PDBot Stats


ID Host Opponent Format Comment Date
217508529 Cpt-Obvious thesovietrussian jitters_ SteelNinja Commander no infinite/hug/purphoros pls May 2019
211784613 Cpt-Obvious pastubbs Zeroth_Law thesovietrussian Commander Nov 2018
198574241 Cpt-Obvious FinalVerb Shienk MisterManatee Commander Mar 2018
196202607 Gliffendor Cpt-Obvious nck127 RonJonz PDH Penny dreadful! Please read comments, must have penny dreadful legal deck to join, they must have all cards cost .01 tic
187738541 machinepunk Cpt-Obvious cancerblack Nullination PDH Penny Dreadful Commander
186979270 NotASemicirce silasary truehero17 Cpt-Obvious PDH Penny Dreadful Commander. Don't join if you don't know what that is.