PennyDreadful: "Penny dreadful- League"
Game 905687174
[Time] 1737495922
[08:45:23] PDBot has started watching.
[08:45:23] FernandoMS joined the game.
[League] Izzet Control by fernandoms (257410) vs Control by mtgfan1996 (257400)
[08:45:25] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[08:45:28] MTGfan1996 chooses to play first.
[08:45:32] [CHAT] FernandoMS: damn
[08:45:34] MTGfan1996 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:45:35] [CHAT] FernandoMS: wrong deck
[08:45:37] [CHAT] FernandoMS: sry
[08:45:40] FernandoMS has conceded from the game.
[08:45:40] MTGfan1996 wins the game.
[08:45:40] FernandoMS has lost connection to the game.
Winner: MTGfan1996
Game 1 Completed.