PennyDreadful: "pd league"
Game 904331570
[Time] 1736564432
[League] Azorious Lutri Control by jonsnow214 (256686) vs Stop Biting Your Nails by martyvburen (256683)
Game 904332364
[Time] 1736565288
[05:14:49] PDBot has started watching.
[05:14:49] jonsnow214 joined the game.
[05:14:54] martyvburen chooses to play first.
[05:15:05] martyvburen begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:15:07] jonsnow214 mulligans to six cards.
[05:15:21] jonsnow214 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[05:15:21] Turn 1: martyvburen
[05:15:22] martyvburen skips their draw step.
[05:15:25] martyvburen plays [Forest].
[05:15:26] martyvburen casts [Birds of Paradise].
[05:15:33] Turn 1: jonsnow214
[05:15:34] jonsnow214 plays [Celestial Colonnade].
[05:15:37] Turn 2: martyvburen
[05:15:42] martyvburen casts [Ethersworn Canonist].
[05:16:05] Turn 2: jonsnow214
[05:16:28] jonsnow214 plays [Island].
[05:16:33] Turn 3: martyvburen
[05:16:41] jonsnow214 is being attacked by [Ethersworn Canonist]
[05:16:47] jonsnow214 discards [Timeless Dragon].
[05:16:47] jonsnow214 cycles [Timeless Dragon].
[05:16:56] jonsnow214 reveals [Irrigated Farmland].
[05:16:59] Turn 3: jonsnow214
[05:17:00] CIPPDOGG has started watching.
[05:17:04] jonsnow214 casts [Unable to Scream] targeting [Birds of Paradise].
[05:17:10] jonsnow214 plays [Irrigated Farmland].
[05:17:13] Turn 4: martyvburen
[05:17:17] martyvburen casts [Wild Growth] targeting [Forest].
[05:17:22] jonsnow214 is being attacked by [Ethersworn Canonist]
[05:17:24] Turn 4: jonsnow214
[05:17:29] jonsnow214 plays [Irrigated Farmland].
[05:17:37] Turn 5: martyvburen
[05:17:39] martyvburen plays [Forest].
[05:17:42] martyvburen casts [Topiary Stomper].
[05:18:05] jonsnow214 casts [Absorb] targeting [Topiary Stomper].
[05:18:05] jonsnow214 is being attacked by [Ethersworn Canonist]
[05:18:05] Turn 5: jonsnow214
[05:18:09] jonsnow214 casts [Rain of Revelation].
[05:18:12] jonsnow214 draws three cards with [Rain of Revelation].
[05:18:24] jonsnow214 discards [Declaration in Stone].
[05:18:25] jonsnow214 plays [Island].
[05:18:33] jonsnow214 casts [Pithing Needle].
[05:18:34] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Pithing Needle[sU] has an unclassified bug.
Avatars are incorrectly on the list of cards you can name with cards such as Pithing Needle.
Our data about this bug is out of date. Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Pithing Needle` or `!notbugged Pithing Needle`
[05:18:44] jonsnow214 names Nissa, Who Shakes the World for [Pithing Needle].
[05:18:51] Turn 6: martyvburen
[05:18:53] martyvburen plays [Forest].
[05:19:16] martyvburen chose jonsnow214 for [Scrapshooter].
[05:19:16] martyvburen casts [Scrapshooter] with a gift promised to jonsnow214.
[05:19:21] martyvburen puts triggered ability from [Scrapshooter] onto the stack targeting [Unable to Scream] (When Scrapshooter enters, if the gift was promised, destroy target artifact or enchantment an oppo...).
[05:19:22] martyvburen puts triggered ability from [Scrapshooter] onto the stack (Gift a card (When Scrapshooter enters, if the gift was promised, the chosen player draws a card....).
[05:19:26] jonsnow214 draws a card with [Scrapshooter]'s ability.
[05:19:32] mil_phickelson has started watching.
[05:19:34] jonsnow214 is being attacked by [Ethersworn Canonist]
[05:19:36] Turn 6: jonsnow214
[05:19:43] jonsnow214 casts [Fumigate].
[05:19:53] Turn 7: martyvburen
[05:19:55] CIPPDOGG has stopped watching.
[05:20:07] martyvburen casts [Scrapshooter].
[05:20:18] Turn 7: jonsnow214
[05:20:39] jonsnow214 foretells a card.
[05:20:39] mil_phickelson has stopped watching.
[05:20:54] Turn 8: martyvburen
[05:21:02] jonsnow214 is being attacked by [Scrapshooter]
[05:21:21] martyvburen casts [Nevinyrral's Disk].
[05:21:30] jonsnow214 casts [Repeal] targeting [Pithing Needle]. (X is 1).
[05:21:34] jonsnow214 returns [Pithing Needle] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[05:21:34] jonsnow214 draws a card with [Repeal].
[05:21:36] Turn 8: jonsnow214
[05:21:41] jonsnow214 casts [Pithing Needle].
[05:21:48] jonsnow214 names Nevinyrral's Disk for [Pithing Needle].
[05:21:49] jonsnow214 plays [Celestial Colonnade].
[05:21:59] Turn 9: martyvburen
[05:22:07] martyvburen casts [Birds of Paradise].
[05:22:18] martyvburen casts [Pest Infestation] targeting [Pithing Needle]. (X is 1).
[05:22:40] jonsnow214 casts [Power Sink] targeting [Pest Infestation]. (X is 1).
[05:22:54] jonsnow214 is being attacked by [Scrapshooter]
[05:23:10] jonsnow214 casts [Dig Through Time].
[05:23:21] Turn 9: jonsnow214
[05:23:21] martyvburen has conceded from the game.
[05:23:21] jonsnow214 wins the game.
Winner: jonsnow214
Game 1 Completed.
[05:23:26] martyvburen has left the game.