PDBot Stats

Game 904329024

[Time] 1736562151
[04:22:32] PDBot has started watching.
[04:22:32] GauldenWahn joined the game.
[League] Host doesn't have active run
[04:22:39] [CHAT] GauldenWahn: hey gl hf
[04:22:45] [CHAT] Restokiki: you too!
[04:22:45] [CHAT] GauldenWahn: im having a lot of lag trouble so im sorry if i play slowly
[04:22:48] GauldenWahn chooses to play first.
[04:22:53] [CHAT] Restokiki: shit
[04:22:55] GauldenWahn begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:23:03] [CHAT] Restokiki: sorry gotta remake
[04:23:10] [CHAT] GauldenWahn: np
[04:23:13] [CHAT] Restokiki: for some reason it changed my deck
[04:23:13] GauldenWahn has conceded from the game.
[04:23:13] Restokiki wins the game.
[04:23:13] GauldenWahn has lost connection to the game.
Winner: Restokiki
Game 1 Completed.