PDBot Stats

Game 904308126

[Time] 1736545055
[23:37:36] PDBot has started watching.
[23:37:36] _oneCurlyBoy joined the game.
[League] Azorious Lutri Control by jonsnow214 (256686) vs Fun Police by _onecurlyboy (256651)
[23:37:38] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[23:37:47] _oneCurlyBoy chooses to play first.
[23:37:47] [CHAT] jonsnow214: hi glhf
[23:38:04] [CHAT] _oneCurlyBoy: u2
[23:38:06] [CHAT] _oneCurlyBoy: oh wow its really lagging
[23:38:17] [CHAT] _oneCurlyBoy: oh damn wrong deck, sry
[23:38:18] [CHAT] jonsnow214: yea it's really bad :(
[23:38:22] jonsnow214 has conceded from the game.
[23:38:22] _oneCurlyBoy wins the game.
[23:38:22] jonsnow214 has lost connection to the game.
Winner: _oneCurlyBoy
Game 1 Completed.