PennyDreadful: "PD LEAGUE"
Game 904261228
[Time] 1736497525
[10:25:26] PDBot has started watching.
[10:25:26] Carmandor joined the game.
[League] Rakdos Mid by carmandor (256638) vs Azorious Lutri Control by jonsnow214 (256686)
[10:25:43] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[10:25:43] Carmandor chooses to play first.
[10:25:43] [CHAT] jonsnow214: hi glhf
[10:26:21] [CHAT] Carmandor: IT SEEMS WE HAVE LAG AGAIN
[10:26:22] Carmandor mulligans to six cards.
[10:26:39] jonsnow214 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[10:26:40] [CHAT] Carmandor: bah I have no time to play if we have this lag sorry
[10:26:45] Carmandor has conceded from the game.
[10:26:45] jonsnow214 wins the game.
[10:26:45] Carmandor has lost connection to the game.
Winner: jonsnow214
Game 1 Completed.