PDBot Stats

Game 904198538

[Time] 1736445877
[20:04:37] PDBot has started watching.
[20:04:37] _oneCurlyBoy joined the game.
[20:04:37] RaveRRat joined the game.
[League] Infect by raverrat (256656) vs Fun Police by _onecurlyboy (256651)
[20:04:39] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[20:04:49] _oneCurlyBoy chooses to play first.
[20:04:57] _oneCurlyBoy has conceded from the game.
[20:04:57] RaveRRat wins the game.
[20:04:57] _oneCurlyBoy has lost connection to the game.
Winner: RaveRRat
Game 1 Completed.