PennyDreadful: "PD League"
Game 904108930
[Time] 1736366510
[22:01:51] PDBot has started watching.
[22:01:51] MaximusTTDK joined the game.
[League] For Fun by maximusttdk (256620) vs Azorius Solar Flare Ft 8 Sideboard Cards for Tide by miniondevelopment (256622)
[22:01:52] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[22:01:58] MaximusTTDK chooses to play first.
[22:02:03] MaximusTTDK begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[22:02:12] miniondevelopment begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[22:02:12] Turn 1: MaximusTTDK
[22:02:12] MaximusTTDK skips their draw step.
[22:02:14] MaximusTTDK plays [Swamp].
[22:02:27] MaximusTTDK casts [Liliana's Steward].
[22:02:27] Turn 1: miniondevelopment
[22:02:27] miniondevelopment plays [Study].
[22:02:27] Turn 2: MaximusTTDK
[22:02:30] MaximusTTDK casts [Quest for the Nihil Stone].
[22:02:35] miniondevelopment is being attacked by [Liliana's Steward]
[22:02:36] Turn 2: miniondevelopment
[22:02:38] miniondevelopment plays [Mystic Gate].
[22:02:40] cristianoqasali has started watching.
[22:02:42] Turn 3: MaximusTTDK
[22:02:47] MaximusTTDK plays [Swamp].
[22:02:56] MaximusTTDK casts [Burglar Rat].
[22:03:02] MaximusTTDK puts triggered ability from [Burglar Rat] onto the stack (When this creature enters, each opponent discards a card.).
[22:03:02] cristianoqasali has stopped watching.
[22:03:06] miniondevelopment discards [Unburial Rites].
[22:03:06] MaximusTTDK puts triggered ability from [Quest for the Nihil Stone] onto the stack (Whenever an opponent discards a card, you may put a quest counter on Quest for the Nihil Stone.).
[22:03:11] MaximusTTDK puts a quest counter on [Quest for the Nihil Stone].
[22:03:16] MaximusTTDK activates an ability of [Liliana's Steward] targeting miniondevelopment ({T}, Sacrifice Liliana's Steward: Target opponent discards a card.).
[22:03:19] miniondevelopment discards [Iona, Shield of Emeria].
[22:03:19] MaximusTTDK puts triggered ability from [Quest for the Nihil Stone] onto the stack (Whenever an opponent discards a card, you may put a quest counter on Quest for the Nihil Stone.).
[22:03:24] MaximusTTDK puts a quest counter on [Quest for the Nihil Stone].
[22:03:29] miniondevelopment casts [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel].
[22:03:31] Turn 3: miniondevelopment
[22:03:38] MaximusTTDK is being attacked by [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel]
[22:03:42] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel] onto the stack (Whenever Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel deals combat damage to a player, put a chorus counter on it. ...).
[22:03:43] miniondevelopment puts a chorus counter on [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel].
[22:03:43] miniondevelopment draws a card with [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel]'s ability.
[22:03:47] miniondevelopment discards [Gifts Ungiven].
[22:03:47] MaximusTTDK puts triggered ability from [Quest for the Nihil Stone] onto the stack (Whenever an opponent discards a card, you may put a quest counter on Quest for the Nihil Stone.).
[22:03:51] MaximusTTDK puts a quest counter on [Quest for the Nihil Stone].
[22:04:11] miniondevelopment plays [Celestial Colonnade].
[22:04:13] Turn 4: MaximusTTDK
[22:04:17] MaximusTTDK plays [Swamp].
[22:04:31] miniondevelopment is being attacked by [Burglar Rat]
[22:04:36] Turn 4: miniondevelopment
[22:04:41] MaximusTTDK casts [Nasty End].
[22:04:44] MaximusTTDK draws two cards with [Nasty End].
[22:04:50] miniondevelopment plays [Island].
[22:04:58] miniondevelopment casts [Unburial Rites] from the graveyard targeting [Iona, Shield of Emeria].
[22:05:00] MaximusTTDK has conceded from the game.
[22:05:00] miniondevelopment wins the game.
Winner: miniondevelopment
Game 1 Completed.
Game 904109426
[Time] 1736366831
[22:07:12] PDBot has started watching.
[22:07:18] MaximusTTDK chooses to play first.
[22:07:24] MaximusTTDK mulligans to six cards.
[22:07:36] miniondevelopment begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[22:07:41] MaximusTTDK puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[22:07:41] Turn 1: MaximusTTDK
[22:07:41] MaximusTTDK skips their draw step.
[22:07:42] MaximusTTDK plays [Swamp].
[22:07:44] Turn 1: miniondevelopment
[22:07:50] miniondevelopment plays [Irrigated Farmland].
[22:07:54] Turn 2: MaximusTTDK
[22:07:57] MaximusTTDK plays [Swamp].
[22:07:59] MaximusTTDK casts [Waste Not].
[22:08:00] Turn 2: miniondevelopment
[22:08:05] miniondevelopment plays [Island].
[22:08:09] Turn 3: MaximusTTDK
[22:08:12] MaximusTTDK plays [Swamp].
[22:08:14] MaximusTTDK casts [Waste Not].
[22:08:20] miniondevelopment casts [Aether Spike] targeting [Waste Not].
[22:08:23] miniondevelopment puts two energy counters on miniondevelopment.
[22:08:25] miniondevelopment removes two energy counters from miniondevelopment.
[22:08:36] Turn 3: miniondevelopment
[22:08:38] miniondevelopment plays [Mystic Gate].
[22:08:42] miniondevelopment casts [Sanctum Prelate].
[22:08:43] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Sanctum Prelate[sU] has a disadvantageous bug.
Sanctum Prelate does not prevent casting X spells that have "with mana value X" wording
[22:08:50] miniondevelopment chooses the number 2.
[22:08:58] Turn 4: MaximusTTDK
[22:09:01] MaximusTTDK plays [Swamp].
[22:09:03] Turn 4: miniondevelopment
[22:09:07] miniondevelopment plays [Irrigated Farmland].
[22:09:14] MaximusTTDK is being attacked by [Sanctum Prelate]
[22:09:22] miniondevelopment casts [Sanctum Prelate].
[22:09:30] miniondevelopment chooses the number 3.
[22:09:33] Turn 5: MaximusTTDK
[22:09:36] MaximusTTDK plays [Swamp].
[22:09:38] Turn 5: miniondevelopment
[22:09:41] miniondevelopment plays [Plains].
[22:09:50] miniondevelopment casts [Sanctum Prelate].
[22:09:53] miniondevelopment chooses the number 1.
[22:09:57] MaximusTTDK is being attacked by [Sanctum Prelate] and [Sanctum Prelate]
[22:11:01] Turn 6: MaximusTTDK
[22:11:12] MaximusTTDK casts [Corrupt Court Official].
[22:11:18] MaximusTTDK puts triggered ability from [Corrupt Court Official] onto the stack targeting miniondevelopment (When Corrupt Court Official enters, target opponent discards a card.).
[22:11:56] miniondevelopment discards [Gifts Ungiven].
[22:11:56] MaximusTTDK puts triggered ability from [Waste Not] onto the stack (Whenever an opponent discards a noncreature, nonland card, draw a card.).
[22:12:02] MaximusTTDK draws a card with [Waste Not]'s ability.
[22:12:08] MaximusTTDK casts [Burglar Rat].
[22:12:10] MaximusTTDK puts triggered ability from [Burglar Rat] onto the stack (When this creature enters, each opponent discards a card.).
[22:12:32] miniondevelopment discards [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel].
[22:12:32] MaximusTTDK puts triggered ability from [Waste Not] onto the stack (Whenever an opponent discards a creature card, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[22:12:35] MaximusTTDK's [Waste Not] creates a Zombie Token.
[22:12:40] Turn 6: miniondevelopment
[22:12:56] miniondevelopment casts [Gifts Ungiven] targeting MaximusTTDK.
[22:13:44] miniondevelopment reveals [Celestial Colonnade].
[22:13:44] miniondevelopment reveals [Glacial Fortress].
[22:13:44] miniondevelopment reveals [Irrigated Farmland].
[22:13:44] miniondevelopment reveals [Study].
[22:14:04] MaximusTTDK chooses Glacial Fortress and Irrigated Farmland.
[22:14:12] miniondevelopment plays [Celestial Colonnade].
[22:14:22] Turn 7: MaximusTTDK
[22:14:27] MaximusTTDK plays [Swamp].
[22:14:31] Turn 7: miniondevelopment
[22:14:36] miniondevelopment plays [Study].
[22:14:43] miniondevelopment casts [Horned Loch-Whale].
[22:14:50] Turn 8: MaximusTTDK
[22:14:57] Turn 8: miniondevelopment
[22:15:01] miniondevelopment plays [Mystic Gate].
[22:15:07] MaximusTTDK is being attacked by [Horned Loch-Whale]
[22:15:11] [Burglar Rat] blocks [Horned Loch-Whale].
[22:15:19] Turn 9: MaximusTTDK
[22:15:31] miniondevelopment activates an ability of [Study] ( Investigate.).
[22:15:32] miniondevelopment investigates.
[22:15:32] miniondevelopment's [Study] creates a Clue Token.
[22:15:41] miniondevelopment activates an ability of [Clue Token] ( Draw a card.).
[22:15:42] miniondevelopment draws a card with [Clue Token]'s ability.
[22:15:44] Turn 9: miniondevelopment
[22:15:49] MaximusTTDK is being attacked by [Horned Loch-Whale]
[22:15:51] [Corrupt Court Official] blocks [Horned Loch-Whale].
[22:16:00] miniondevelopment casts [Horned Loch-Whale].
[22:16:06] Turn 10: MaximusTTDK
[22:16:12] MaximusTTDK casts [Corrupt Court Official].
[22:16:18] miniondevelopment casts [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel].
[22:16:22] MaximusTTDK puts triggered ability from [Corrupt Court Official] onto the stack targeting miniondevelopment (When Corrupt Court Official enters, target opponent discards a card.).
[22:16:24] miniondevelopment discards [Unburial Rites].
[22:16:24] MaximusTTDK puts triggered ability from [Waste Not] onto the stack (Whenever an opponent discards a noncreature, nonland card, draw a card.).
[22:16:25] MaximusTTDK draws a card with [Waste Not]'s ability.
[22:16:30] Turn 10: miniondevelopment
[22:16:48] MaximusTTDK is being attacked by [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel], [Horned Loch-Whale], [Horned Loch-Whale], [Sanctum Prelate], [Sanctum Prelate], and [Sanctum Prelate]
[22:17:00] [Zombie Token] blocks [Sanctum Prelate].
[22:17:06] [Corrupt Court Official] blocks [Horned Loch-Whale].
[22:17:14] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel] onto the stack (Whenever Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel deals combat damage to a player, put a chorus counter on it. ...).
[22:17:17] miniondevelopment puts a chorus counter on [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel].
[22:17:17] miniondevelopment draws a card with [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel]'s ability.
[22:17:19] miniondevelopment discards [Condemn].
[22:17:19] MaximusTTDK puts triggered ability from [Waste Not] onto the stack (Whenever an opponent discards a noncreature, nonland card, draw a card.).
[22:17:23] MaximusTTDK draws a card with [Waste Not]'s ability.
[22:17:32] miniondevelopment casts [Unburial Rites] from the graveyard targeting [Sanctum Prelate].
[22:17:37] miniondevelopment chooses the number 2.
[22:17:44] Turn 11: MaximusTTDK
[22:17:47] MaximusTTDK plays [Swamp].
[22:17:54] MaximusTTDK has conceded from the game.
[22:17:54] miniondevelopment wins the game.
Winner: miniondevelopment
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: miniondevelopment: 2–0