Penny Dreadful: "PD League"
Game 880065798
[Time] 1717406177
[12:16:18] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Balanced by erikadrien (243924) vs Sultai Doc Beans by tomsoniq (243927)
[12:16:21] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[12:16:24] TomSoniQ chooses to play first.
[12:16:39] TomSoniQ begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[12:16:45] ErikAdrien mulligans to six cards.
[12:16:52] ErikAdrien puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[12:16:52] Turn 1: TomSoniQ
[12:16:54] TomSoniQ skips their draw step.
[12:16:56] TomSoniQ plays [Yavimaya Coast].
[12:17:01] TomSoniQ casts [Heart's Desire].
[12:17:01] TomSoniQ's [Heart's Desire] creates a Human Token.
[12:17:03] Turn 1: ErikAdrien
[12:17:06] ErikAdrien plays [Island].
[12:17:09] ErikAdrien returns [Island] to its owner's hand with with [Wildfield Borderpost]'s ability.
[12:17:09] ErikAdrien casts [Wildfield Borderpost].
[12:17:12] Turn 2: TomSoniQ
[12:17:15] TomSoniQ plays [Swamp].
[12:17:18] [Beastbond Outcaster] becomes plotted.
[12:17:22] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Human Token]
[12:17:24] Turn 2: ErikAdrien
[12:17:32] ErikAdrien plays [Island].
[12:17:35] ErikAdrien returns [Island] to its owner's hand with with [Mistvein Borderpost]'s ability.
[12:17:36] ErikAdrien casts [Mistvein Borderpost].
[12:17:38] ErikAdrien exiles [Restore Balance] with 6 time counters.
[12:17:39] ErikAdrien puts six time counters on [Restore Balance].
[12:17:41] Turn 3: TomSoniQ
[12:17:53] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Human Token]
[12:17:58] Turn 3: ErikAdrien
[12:17:59] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Restore Balance] onto the stack (Suspend 6{W} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[12:18:02] ErikAdrien removes a time counter from [Restore Balance].
[12:18:06] ErikAdrien plays [Island].
[12:18:11] ErikAdrien returns [Island] to its owner's hand with with [Wildfield Borderpost]'s ability.
[12:18:12] ErikAdrien casts [Wildfield Borderpost].
[12:18:14] Turn 4: TomSoniQ
[12:18:18] TomSoniQ plays [Fetid Pools].
[12:18:24] ErikAdrien is being attacked by [Human Token]
[12:18:27] Turn 4: ErikAdrien
[12:18:27] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Restore Balance] onto the stack (Suspend 6{W} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[12:18:29] ErikAdrien removes a time counter from [Restore Balance].
[12:18:35] ErikAdrien casts [Shardless Agent].
[12:18:35] ErikAdrien puts triggered ability from [Shardless Agent] onto the stack (Cascade).
[12:18:41] ErikAdrien reveals 25 cards with [Shardless Agent]: [Swamp], [Island], [Mountain], [Mistvein Borderpost], [Confounding Riddle], [Mountain], [Confounding Riddle], [Fieldmist Borderpost], [Demonic Dread], [Firewild Borderpost],
[12:18:41] [Shardless Agent], [Confounding Riddle], [Wildfield Borderpost], [Mountain], [Metalwork Colossus], [Shardless Agent], [Mistvein Borderpost], [Demonic Dread], [Island], [The Antiquities War],
[12:18:42] [Forest], [Firewild Borderpost], [Veinfire Borderpost], ErikAdrien, and TomSoniQ.
[12:18:46] ErikAdrien casts [Restore Balance].
[12:18:47] [CHAT] TomSoniQ: gotta go
[12:18:48] TomSoniQ has conceded from the game.
[12:18:48] ErikAdrien wins the game.
Winner: ErikAdrien
Game 1 Completed.