Penny Dreadful: "pd league"
Game 814026484
[Time] 1663716367
[02:26:07] PDBot has started watching.
[02:26:08] DarkPantsu joined the game.
[02:26:09] Garcia_Edu joined the game.
[League] Tempered Steel by garcia_edu (194662) vs Izzet Storm by darkpantsu (194678)
[02:26:10] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[02:26:15] DarkPantsu chooses to play first.
[02:26:22] [CHAT] DarkPantsu: oops
[02:26:24] [CHAT] DarkPantsu: wrong decklist
[02:26:27] [CHAT] DarkPantsu: let me show it
[02:26:31] DarkPantsu begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[02:26:33] Garcia_Edu begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[02:26:33] Turn 1: DarkPantsu
[02:26:35] DarkPantsu skips their draw step.
[02:26:46] Turn 1: Garcia_Edu
[02:26:50] Garcia_Edu plays [Snow-Covered Plains].
[02:26:51] Garcia_Edu casts [Toolcraft Exemplar].
[02:26:56] Turn 2: DarkPantsu
[02:27:05] DarkPantsu discards [Rewind].
[League] Invalid Match
[02:27:05] Turn 2: Garcia_Edu
[02:27:05] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] Rewind was not on a submitted league decklist. This is not a league match.
[02:27:11] [CHAT] DarkPantsu: there it is
[02:27:14] [CHAT] DarkPantsu: sorry about that
[02:27:22] DarkPantsu has conceded from the game.
[02:27:22] DarkPantsu has lost connection to the game.
Winner: Garcia_Edu
Game 1 Completed.