PDBot Stats

Game 751967220

[Time] 1613269054
[13:17:35] PDBot has started watching.
[13:17:35] arslanrahmano joined the game.
[League] Theme Deck-Spooky by bouncingskeleton (119156) vs Sultai Control by arslanrahmano (119878)
[13:17:38] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[13:17:40] bouncingskeleton chooses to play first.
[13:17:45] bouncingskeleton begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[13:18:08] arslanrahmano mulligans to six cards.
[13:18:13] arslanrahmano mulligans to five cards.
[13:18:18] arslanrahmano has conceded from the game.
Winner: bouncingskeleton
Game 1 Completed.
[13:18:23] arslanrahmano has left the game.

Game 751967370

[Time] 1613269155
[13:19:15] PDBot has started watching.