PennyDreadful PD League BuggedCardObserver,LeagueObserver,PennyDreadfulLegality Madman_quail,Carmandor == Game 1 (901112422) == [Time] 1734476809 [01:06:50] PDBot has started watching. [01:06:50] Madman_quail joined the game. [01:06:50] Carmandor joined the game. [League] Mortal Men Doomed to Die v7 by madman_quail (256477) vs The ROCK by carmandor (256481) [01:06:51] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match! [01:06:57] Carmandor chooses to play first. [01:06:57] [CHAT] Madman_quail: hi gl hf [01:07:05] [CHAT] Carmandor: gl hf [01:07:07] [CHAT] Madman_quail: sry wrong deck [01:07:09] Madman_quail has conceded from the game. [01:07:09] Carmandor wins the game. Winner: Carmandor Game 1 Completed. [01:07:13] Madman_quail has left the game.