PennyDreadful Penny Dreadful League BuggedCardObserver,LeagueObserver,PennyDreadfulLegality 2for1for2,FinalDefiance == Game 1 (898887544) == [Time] 1732461873 [17:24:34] PDBot has started watching. [17:24:34] 2for1for2 joined the game. [League] Selesnya Enchantress by finaldefiance (254906) vs Azorius by 2for1for2 (254902) [17:24:35] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match! [17:24:41] FinalDefiance chooses to play first. [17:24:45] [CHAT] 2for1for2: sorry double-qeued [17:24:50] 2for1for2 has conceded from the game. [17:24:50] FinalDefiance wins the game. [17:24:50] 2for1for2 has lost connection to the game. Winner: FinalDefiance Game 1 Completed.