PennyDreadful PD LEAGUE BuggedCardObserver,LeagueObserver,PennyDreadfulLegality jenkin5630,CIPPDOGG == Game 1 (879370254) == [Time] 1716823922 [01:32:03] PDBot has started watching. [League] Volo, Guide to Monsters by jenkin5630 (243422) vs Selesnya Midrange by cippdogg (243408) [01:32:07] jenkin5630 chooses to play first. [01:32:07] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match! [01:32:11] jenkin5630 begins the game with seven cards in hand. [01:32:14] CIPPDOGG begins the game with seven cards in hand. [01:32:14] Turn 1: jenkin5630 [01:32:16] jenkin5630 skips their draw step. [01:32:17] jenkin5630 plays [Forest]. [01:32:19] Turn 1: CIPPDOGG [01:32:25] CIPPDOGG plays [Brushland]. [01:32:28] CIPPDOGG casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim]. [01:32:31] Turn 2: jenkin5630 [01:32:40] jenkin5630 plays [Hinterland Harbor]. [01:32:42] Turn 2: CIPPDOGG [01:32:50] CIPPDOGG has conceded from the game. [01:32:50] jenkin5630 wins the game. Winner: jenkin5630 Game 1 Completed. == Game 2 (879370382) == [Time] 1716823990 [01:33:11] PDBot has started watching. [01:33:15] CIPPDOGG chooses to play first. [01:33:21] CIPPDOGG mulligans to six cards. [01:33:29] jenkin5630 mulligans to six cards. [01:33:32] CIPPDOGG puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand. [01:33:37] jenkin5630 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand. [01:33:37] Turn 1: CIPPDOGG [01:33:41] CIPPDOGG skips their draw step. [01:33:42] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest]. [01:33:44] CIPPDOGG casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim]. [01:33:48] Turn 1: jenkin5630 [01:33:50] jenkin5630 plays [Forest]. [01:33:53] Turn 2: CIPPDOGG [01:33:56] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest]. [01:33:59] CIPPDOGG casts [Birds of Paradise]. [01:34:03] jenkin5630 is being attacked by [Avacyn's Pilgrim] [01:34:06] Turn 2: jenkin5630 [01:34:10] jenkin5630 plays [Forest]. [01:34:13] Turn 3: CIPPDOGG [01:34:17] CIPPDOGG plays [Plains]. [01:34:22] CIPPDOGG casts [Yasharn, Implacable Earth]. [01:34:25] CIPPDOGG puts triggered ability from [Yasharn, Implacable Earth] onto the stack (When Yasharn, Implacable Earth enters the battlefield, search your library for a basic Forest card...). [01:34:29] CIPPDOGG reveals [Forest]. [01:34:30] CIPPDOGG reveals [Plains]. [01:34:33] jenkin5630 is being attacked by [Avacyn's Pilgrim] [01:34:38] Turn 3: jenkin5630 [01:34:41] jenkin5630 plays [Hinterland Harbor]. [01:34:46] jenkin5630 casts [Phantasmal Image]. [01:34:48] jenkin5630 puts triggered ability from [Yasharn, Implacable Earth] onto the stack (When Yasharn, Implacable Earth enters the battlefield, search your library for a basic Forest card...). [01:34:51] jenkin5630 reveals [Forest]. [01:34:53] jenkin5630 fails to find a basic Plains card. [01:34:56] Turn 4: CIPPDOGG [01:35:05] CIPPDOGG plays [Plains]. [01:35:08] CIPPDOGG casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Yasharn, Implacable Earth]. [01:35:08] jenkin5630 puts triggered ability from [Yasharn, Implacable Earth] onto the stack (When this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability, sacrifice it.). [01:35:14] CIPPDOGG's [Path to Exile] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets. [01:35:17] CIPPDOGG casts [Loxodon Warhammer]. [01:35:22] jenkin5630 is being attacked by [Yasharn, Implacable Earth] and [Avacyn's Pilgrim] [01:35:26] Turn 4: jenkin5630 [01:35:31] jenkin5630 plays [Forest]. [01:35:33] jenkin5630 casts [Volo, Guide to Monsters]. [01:35:36] Turn 5: CIPPDOGG [01:35:41] CIPPDOGG plays [Wooded Bastion]. [01:35:49] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Loxodon Warhammer] targeting [Yasharn, Implacable Earth] (Equip {3}). [01:35:53] jenkin5630 is being attacked by [Yasharn, Implacable Earth] [01:36:03] CIPPDOGG casts [Thrun, the Last Troll]. [01:36:05] Turn 5: jenkin5630 [01:36:17] jenkin5630 has conceded from the game. [01:36:17] CIPPDOGG wins the game. Winner: CIPPDOGG Game 2 Completed. [01:36:21] jenkin5630 has left the game. == Game 3 (879370864) == [Time] 1716824291 [01:38:11] PDBot has started watching. [01:38:20] jenkin5630 chooses to play first. [01:38:22] jenkin5630 mulligans to six cards. [01:38:26] CIPPDOGG begins the game with seven cards in hand. [01:38:32] jenkin5630 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand. [01:38:32] Turn 1: jenkin5630 [01:38:35] jenkin5630 skips their draw step. [01:38:39] jenkin5630 plays [Island]. [01:38:41] Turn 1: CIPPDOGG [01:38:46] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest]. [01:38:49] Turn 2: jenkin5630 [01:38:52] jenkin5630 plays [Flooded Grove]. [01:38:55] jenkin5630 exiles [Riftwing Cloudskate] with 3 time counters. [01:38:55] jenkin5630 puts three time counters on [Riftwing Cloudskate]. [01:38:56] Turn 2: CIPPDOGG [01:39:00] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest]. [01:39:03] Turn 3: jenkin5630 [01:39:03] jenkin5630 puts triggered ability from [Riftwing Cloudskate] onto the stack (Suspend 3{1U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)). [01:39:04] jenkin5630 removes a time counter from [Riftwing Cloudskate]. [01:39:07] jenkin5630 plays [Yavimaya Coast]. [01:39:09] Turn 3: CIPPDOGG [01:39:15] CIPPDOGG plays [Brushland]. [01:39:19] CIPPDOGG casts [Boromir, Warden of the Tower]. [01:39:26] jenkin5630 casts [Mesmeric Glare] targeting [Boromir, Warden of the Tower]. [01:39:34] Turn 4: jenkin5630 [01:39:35] jenkin5630 puts triggered ability from [Riftwing Cloudskate] onto the stack (Suspend 3{1U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)). [01:39:37] jenkin5630 removes a time counter from [Riftwing Cloudskate]. [01:39:39] jenkin5630 plays [Island]. [01:39:41] Turn 4: CIPPDOGG [01:39:49] CIPPDOGG casts [Troll Ascetic]. [01:39:59] jenkin5630 casts [Mystic Snake]. [01:40:02] jenkin5630 puts triggered ability from [Mystic Snake] onto the stack targeting [Troll Ascetic] (When Mystic Snake enters the battlefield, counter target spell.). [01:40:08] Turn 5: jenkin5630 [01:40:08] jenkin5630 puts triggered ability from [Riftwing Cloudskate] onto the stack (Suspend 3{1U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)). [01:40:10] jenkin5630 removes a time counter from [Riftwing Cloudskate]. [01:40:10] jenkin5630 puts triggered ability from [Riftwing Cloudskate] onto the stack (Suspend 3{1U} (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, you may cast it ...). [01:40:13] jenkin5630 casts [Riftwing Cloudskate]. [01:40:16] jenkin5630 puts triggered ability from [Riftwing Cloudskate] onto the stack targeting [Brushland] (When Riftwing Cloudskate enters the battlefield, return target permanent to its owner's hand.). [01:40:17] jenkin5630 returns [Brushland] to its owner's hand with [Riftwing Cloudskate]'s ability. [01:40:23] CIPPDOGG is being attacked by [Riftwing Cloudskate] and [Mystic Snake] [01:40:25] Turn 5: CIPPDOGG [01:40:31] CIPPDOGG plays [Brushland]. [01:40:36] CIPPDOGG casts [Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar]. [01:41:07] Turn 6: jenkin5630 [01:41:28] jenkin5630 casts [Quandrix Command] targeting [Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar] (Return to hand), and [Riftwing Cloudskate] (+1/+1 counter). [01:41:28] Chosen mode: Return target creature or planeswalker to its owner's hand. [01:41:28] Chosen mode: Put 2 +1/+1 counters on target creature. [01:41:29] jenkin5630 returns [Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar] to its owner's hand with [Quandrix Command]. [01:41:29] jenkin5630 puts two +1/+1 counters on [Riftwing Cloudskate]. [01:41:33] CIPPDOGG is being attacked by [Riftwing Cloudskate] and [Mystic Snake] [01:41:35] Turn 6: CIPPDOGG [01:41:43] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest]. [01:41:49] CIPPDOGG casts [Yasharn, Implacable Earth]. [01:41:52] CIPPDOGG puts triggered ability from [Yasharn, Implacable Earth] onto the stack (When Yasharn, Implacable Earth enters the battlefield, search your library for a basic Forest card...). [01:41:55] CIPPDOGG reveals [Forest]. [01:41:56] CIPPDOGG reveals [Plains]. [01:42:06] CIPPDOGG discards [Forest]. [01:42:06] Turn 7: jenkin5630 [01:42:23] jenkin5630 casts [Quandrix Command] targeting [Yasharn, Implacable Earth] (Return to hand), and [Mystic Snake] (+1/+1 counter). [01:42:23] Chosen mode: Return target creature or planeswalker to its owner's hand. [01:42:23] Chosen mode: Put 2 +1/+1 counters on target creature. [01:42:23] jenkin5630 returns [Yasharn, Implacable Earth] to its owner's hand with [Quandrix Command]. [01:42:23] jenkin5630 puts two +1/+1 counters on [Mystic Snake]. [01:42:26] CIPPDOGG has conceded from the game. [01:42:26] jenkin5630 wins the game. Winner: jenkin5630 Game 3 Completed. Match Winner: jenkin5630: 2–1