Freeform Premodern Practice. Play more premodern with BuggedCardObserver,Tourney iron_lungs,roboton == Game 1 (867494348) == [Time] 1706933967 [15:19:28] PDBot has started watching. [Gatherling] Event=Pre-Modern Monthly League 11.02 [Gatherling] Round=1 [15:19:29] roboton joined the game. [15:19:33] [CHAT] iron_lungs: hey sir [15:19:51] [CHAT] roboton: i did it! i completely old bordered my deck! [15:19:54] roboton chooses to play first. [15:19:57] [CHAT] iron_lungs: nice [15:20:03] [CHAT] roboton: today for some reason wooded foothills KTK spiked to 10 tix [15:20:10] [CHAT] iron_lungs: holy shit [15:20:17] [CHAT] iron_lungs: that's odd [15:20:18] [CHAT] roboton: and cardhoarder was selling ONS for 11.8 [15:20:29] [CHAT] iron_lungs: very nice [15:20:30] [CHAT] roboton: so I traded in my KTK + some other stuff to upgrade! [15:20:34] roboton begins the game with seven cards in hand. [15:20:37] [CHAT] iron_lungs: yeah seriously [15:20:39] iron_lungs begins the game with seven cards in hand. [15:20:39] Turn 1: roboton [15:20:43] roboton skips their draw step. [15:20:44] roboton plays [Mountain]. [15:20:46] roboton casts [Goblin Lackey]. [15:20:49] Turn 1: iron_lungs [15:20:54] iron_lungs plays [Mountain]. [15:21:04] iron_lungs casts [Lava Dart] targeting [Goblin Lackey]. [15:21:10] Turn 2: roboton [15:21:19] roboton casts [Mogg Fanatic]. [15:21:21] roboton plays [Mossfire Valley]. [15:21:25] Turn 2: iron_lungs [15:21:34] iron_lungs casts [Lava Dart] from the graveyard targeting [Mogg Fanatic]. [15:21:39] iron_lungs casts [Mogg Fanatic]. [15:21:44] iron_lungs plays [Mountain]. [15:21:50] Turn 3: roboton [15:21:54] roboton plays [Rishadan Port]. [15:22:03] roboton casts [Goblin Matron]. [15:22:06] roboton puts triggered ability from [Goblin Matron] onto the stack (When Goblin Matron enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a Goblin card, reveal t...). [15:22:16] roboton reveals [Goblin Ringleader]. [15:22:27] iron_lungs casts [Lightning Bolt] targeting roboton. [15:22:31] Turn 3: iron_lungs [15:22:35] iron_lungs plays [Bloodstained Mire]. [15:22:46] Turn 4: roboton [15:22:51] roboton plays [Wooded Foothills]. [15:22:57] [CHAT] roboton: so beautiful haha [15:23:02] roboton activates an ability of [Wooded Foothills] ( Search your library for a Mountain or Forest card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.). [15:23:19] roboton casts [Goblin Ringleader]. [15:23:20] roboton puts triggered ability from [Goblin Ringleader] onto the stack (When Goblin Ringleader enters the battlefield, reveal the top four cards of your library. Put all ...). [15:23:25] roboton reveals 4 cards with [Goblin Ringleader]'s ability: [Mountain], [Goblin Sharpshooter], [Goblin Matron], and [Goblin Warchief]. [15:23:30] roboton puts [Goblin Warchief], [Goblin Sharpshooter], and [Goblin Matron] into their hand with with [Goblin Ringleader]'s ability. [15:23:36] iron_lungs is being attacked by [Goblin Ringleader] and [Goblin Matron] [15:24:03] iron_lungs casts [Lightning Bolt] targeting roboton. [15:24:08] iron_lungs activates an ability of [Bloodstained Mire] ( Search your library for a Swamp or Mountain card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.). [15:24:21] iron_lungs casts [Shock] targeting roboton. [15:24:27] Turn 4: iron_lungs [15:24:32] iron_lungs casts [Urza's Bauble]. [15:24:37] iron_lungs activates an ability of [Urza's Bauble] targeting roboton ({T}, Sacrifice Urza's Bauble: Look at a card at random in target player's hand. You draw a card at...). [15:24:40] roboton reveals [Goblin Sharpshooter] at random. [15:24:47] roboton is being attacked by [Mogg Fanatic] [15:24:57] Turn 5: roboton [15:24:57] iron_lungs puts triggered ability from Urza's Bauble onto the stack (Draw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep.). [15:25:00] iron_lungs draws a card with Urza's Bauble's ability. [15:25:16] roboton casts [Goblin Warchief]. [15:25:30] roboton casts [Goblin Lackey]. [15:25:39] iron_lungs is being attacked by [Goblin Lackey], [Goblin Warchief], [Goblin Ringleader], and [Goblin Matron] [15:25:44] roboton puts triggered ability from [Goblin Lackey] onto the stack (Whenever Goblin Lackey deals damage to a player, you may put a Goblin permanent card from your han...). [15:25:48] roboton puts triggered ability from [Siege-Gang Commander] onto the stack (When Siege-Gang Commander enters the battlefield, create three 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens.). [15:25:55] roboton's [Siege-Gang Commander] creates three Goblin Tokens. [15:26:06] Turn 5: iron_lungs [15:26:11] iron_lungs plays [Mountain]. [15:26:19] [CHAT] iron_lungs: that was a math error lol [15:26:46] [CHAT] iron_lungs: i didn't need to save fanatic. should have popped the lackey [15:26:52] iron_lungs casts [Ball Lightning]. [15:26:54] [CHAT] roboton: yeah... [15:27:08] roboton is being attacked by [Ball Lightning] and [Mogg Fanatic] [15:27:52] [Siege-Gang Commander] blocks [Mogg Fanatic]. [15:27:55] [Goblin Token] blocks [Ball Lightning]. [15:27:57] [Goblin Token] blocks [Ball Lightning]. [15:28:00] [Goblin Token] blocks [Ball Lightning]. [15:28:20] Blockers for [Ball Lightning] are ordered as follows: [Goblin Token], [Goblin Token], [Goblin Token] [15:28:24] iron_lungs activates an ability of [Mogg Fanatic] targeting roboton ( Mogg Fanatic deals 1 damage to any target.). [15:28:49] iron_lungs casts [Fireblast] targeting roboton. [15:28:59] iron_lungs has conceded from the game. [15:28:59] roboton wins the game. Winner: roboton Game 1 Completed. [15:29:03] iron_lungs has left the game. == Game 2 (867494894) == [Time] 1706934610 [15:30:10] PDBot has started watching. [15:30:15] iron_lungs chooses to play first. [15:30:19] iron_lungs begins the game with seven cards in hand. [15:30:23] roboton mulligans to six cards. [15:30:37] roboton mulligans to five cards. [15:30:58] roboton puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand. [15:30:58] Turn 1: iron_lungs [15:31:19] iron_lungs skips their draw step. [15:31:21] iron_lungs plays [Mountain]. [15:31:24] iron_lungs casts [Urza's Bauble]. [15:31:28] iron_lungs activates an ability of [Urza's Bauble] targeting roboton ({T}, Sacrifice Urza's Bauble: Look at a card at random in target player's hand. You draw a card at...). [15:31:30] roboton reveals [Goblin Lackey] at random. [15:31:36] Turn 1: roboton [15:31:36] iron_lungs puts triggered ability from Urza's Bauble onto the stack (Draw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep.). [15:31:38] iron_lungs draws a card with Urza's Bauble's ability. [15:31:42] roboton plays [Mountain]. [15:31:43] roboton casts [Goblin Lackey]. [15:31:50] iron_lungs casts [Lava Dart] targeting [Goblin Lackey]. [15:32:00] Turn 2: iron_lungs [15:32:05] iron_lungs plays [Wooded Foothills]. [15:32:20] [CHAT] roboton: are you going back to burn for the next league? [15:32:38] [CHAT] roboton: i'm testing Fran's BW control deck, I like it, but I need to tune it [15:32:41] [CHAT] roboton: not sure if it's ready eyt [15:32:42] [CHAT] roboton: yet* [15:32:56] [CHAT] iron_lungs: yeah. tom feels pretty good about it [15:33:03] Turn 2: roboton [15:33:12] roboton plays [Karplusan Forest]. [15:33:14] roboton casts [Goblin Lackey]. [15:33:29] iron_lungs activates an ability of [Wooded Foothills] ( Search your library for a Mountain or Forest card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.). [15:33:35] Turn 3: iron_lungs [15:33:44] iron_lungs plays [Mountain]. [15:33:54] Turn 3: roboton [15:34:11] iron_lungs is being attacked by [Goblin Lackey] [15:34:16] iron_lungs casts [Lightning Bolt] targeting roboton. [15:34:26] iron_lungs casts [Lava Dart] from the graveyard targeting [Goblin Lackey]. [15:34:37] roboton plays [Mountain]. [15:34:41] roboton casts [Goblin Matron]. [15:34:43] roboton puts triggered ability from [Goblin Matron] onto the stack (When Goblin Matron enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a Goblin card, reveal t...). [15:34:56] roboton reveals [Goblin Ringleader]. [15:35:03] Turn 4: iron_lungs [15:35:24] iron_lungs plays [Mountain]. [15:35:43] Turn 4: roboton [15:36:00] roboton plays [Wooded Foothills]. [15:36:02] roboton activates an ability of [Wooded Foothills] ( Search your library for a Mountain or Forest card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.). [15:36:12] roboton casts [Goblin Ringleader]. [15:36:19] roboton puts triggered ability from [Goblin Ringleader] onto the stack (When Goblin Ringleader enters the battlefield, reveal the top four cards of your library. Put all ...). [15:36:21] roboton reveals 4 cards with [Goblin Ringleader]'s ability: [Mountain], [Karplusan Forest], [Goblin Matron], and [Mogg Fanatic]. [15:36:24] roboton puts [Mogg Fanatic] and [Goblin Matron] into their hand with with [Goblin Ringleader]'s ability. [15:36:36] iron_lungs is being attacked by [Goblin Ringleader] and [Goblin Matron] [15:36:50] Turn 5: iron_lungs [15:36:57] iron_lungs plays [Barbarian Ring]. [15:37:01] PSIKLO has started watching. [15:37:14] Turn 5: roboton [15:37:24] roboton casts [Goblin Matron]. [15:37:25] roboton puts triggered ability from [Goblin Matron] onto the stack (When Goblin Matron enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a Goblin card, reveal t...). [15:37:36] roboton reveals [Goblin Warchief]. [15:37:39] roboton casts roboton. [15:37:46] iron_lungs is being attacked by [Goblin Ringleader] and [Goblin Matron] [15:38:01] iron_lungs casts [Incinerate] targeting roboton. [15:38:07] iron_lungs casts [Shock] targeting roboton. [15:38:15] iron_lungs casts [Shock] targeting roboton. [15:38:17] PSIKLO has stopped watching. [15:38:30] Turn 6: iron_lungs [15:38:42] Turn 6: roboton [15:38:48] roboton plays [Mountain]. [15:38:55] [CHAT] roboton: i thought this match would be closer [15:39:02] [CHAT] roboton: maybe your draws are bad [15:39:12] roboton casts [Goblin Warchief]. [15:39:22] roboton casts [Goblin Piledriver]. [15:39:31] iron_lungs activates an ability of [Barbarian Ring] targeting [Goblin Piledriver] ( Barbarian Ring deals 2 damage to any target.). [15:39:41] iron_lungs is being attacked by [Goblin Warchief], roboton, [Goblin Matron], [Goblin Ringleader], and [Goblin Matron] [15:39:49] Turn 7: iron_lungs [15:39:55] iron_lungs plays [Mountain]. [15:40:21] [CHAT] roboton: no lava dart in the yard if you have double fireblast [15:40:37] [CHAT] iron_lungs: yeah. i can get you down to 6 [15:40:39] [CHAT] iron_lungs: i mean 3 [15:40:42] [CHAT] iron_lungs: but that's it [15:41:02] iron_lungs casts [Lava Dart] targeting roboton. [15:41:13] iron_lungs casts [Lava Dart] from the graveyard targeting roboton. [15:41:24] iron_lungs casts [Fireblast] targeting roboton. [15:41:48] [CHAT] iron_lungs: had outs but didn't get there. a few too many mountains [15:41:59] [CHAT] roboton: yeah... [15:42:02] iron_lungs has conceded from the game. [15:42:02] roboton wins the game. Winner: roboton Game 2 Completed. Match Winner: roboton: 2–0 [15:42:09] iron_lungs has left the game.