PennyDreadful pd BuggedCardObserver,LeagueObserver,PennyDreadfulLegality totodilespy == Game 1 (830605514) == [Time] 1677613329 [21:42:10] PDBot has started watching. [21:42:15] totodilespy begins the game with seven cards in hand. [21:42:15] Turn 1: totodilespy [21:42:20] totodilespy plays [Jwari Ruins]. [21:42:21] Turn 2: totodilespy [21:42:23] totodilespy plays [River of Tears]. [21:42:29] totodilespy casts [Prologue to Phyresis]. [21:42:29] totodilespy puts a poison counter on totodilespy. [21:42:29] totodilespy draws a card with [Prologue to Phyresis]. [21:42:32] Turn 3: totodilespy [21:42:35] totodilespy plays [Swamp]. [21:42:43] totodilespy casts [Venser, Corpse Puppet]. [21:42:49] Turn 4: totodilespy [21:42:57] totodilespy casts [Ponder]. [21:43:02] totodilespy chooses to shuffle their library. [21:43:02] totodilespy draws a card with [Ponder]. [21:43:05] totodilespy plays [Jwari Ruins]. [21:43:11] totodilespy is being attacked by [Venser, Corpse Puppet] [21:43:12] totodilespy puts a poison counter on totodilespy. [21:43:13] Turn 5: totodilespy [21:43:17] totodilespy casts [Ponder]. [21:43:19] totodilespy chooses to shuffle their library. [21:43:19] totodilespy draws a card with [Ponder]. [21:43:22] totodilespy casts [Experimental Augury]. [21:43:27] totodilespy proliferates totodilespy. [21:43:28] totodilespy puts triggered ability from [Venser, Corpse Puppet] onto the stack (If you don't control a creature named The Hollow Sentinel, create The Hollow Sentinel, a legendary...). [21:43:30] totodilespy's [Venser, Corpse Puppet] creates a The Hollow Sentinel. [21:43:31] totodilespy plays [Island]. [21:43:55] totodilespy is being attacked by [Venser, Corpse Puppet] [21:43:57] totodilespy puts a poison counter on totodilespy. [21:43:58] Turn 6: totodilespy [21:44:00] totodilespy casts [Voidwing Hybrid]. [21:44:01] totodilespy plays [Swamp]. [21:44:08] totodilespy casts [Treasure Cruise]. [21:44:08] totodilespy draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise]. [21:44:12] Turn 7: totodilespy [21:44:14] totodilespy plays [Island]. [21:44:18] totodilespy has conceded from the game. [21:44:18] totodilespy has lost connection to the game. Game 1 Completed.