PennyDreadful pd BuggedCardObserver,LeagueObserver,PennyDreadfulLegality totodilespy == Game 1 (830221462) == [Time] 1677296642 [05:44:02] PDBot has started watching. [05:44:02] totodilespy joined the game. [05:44:09] totodilespy mulligans to six cards. [05:44:13] totodilespy puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand. [05:44:13] Turn 1: totodilespy [05:44:16] totodilespy plays [Island]. [05:44:17] totodilespy casts [Glistener Seer]. [05:44:17] totodilespy puts three oil counters on [Glistener Seer]. [05:44:17] Turn 2: totodilespy [05:44:20] totodilespy plays [Island]. [05:44:23] totodilespy removes an oil counter from [Glistener Seer]. [05:44:23] totodilespy activates an ability of [Glistener Seer] ( Scry 1.). [05:44:24] totodilespy scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom). [05:44:26] totodilespy casts [Prologue to Phyresis]. [05:44:26] totodilespy puts a poison counter on totodilespy. [05:44:26] totodilespy draws a card with [Prologue to Phyresis]. [05:44:26] Turn 3: totodilespy [05:44:30] totodilespy casts [Experimental Augury]. [05:44:39] totodilespy proliferates [Glistener Seer] and totodilespy. [05:44:39] totodilespy plays [Island]. [05:44:41] totodilespy casts [Ponder]. [05:44:45] totodilespy chooses to shuffle their library. [05:44:45] totodilespy draws a card with [Ponder]. [05:44:50] totodilespy removes an oil counter from [Glistener Seer]. [05:44:50] totodilespy activates an ability of [Glistener Seer] ( Scry 1.). [05:44:51] totodilespy scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom). [05:44:52] Turn 4: totodilespy [05:44:54] totodilespy casts [Ponder]. [05:45:10] totodilespy chooses to not shuffle their library. [05:45:10] totodilespy draws a card with [Ponder]. [05:45:11] totodilespy plays [Island]. [05:45:15] totodilespy removes an oil counter from [Glistener Seer]. [05:45:15] totodilespy activates an ability of [Glistener Seer] ( Scry 1.). [05:45:18] totodilespy scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom). [05:45:19] totodilespy casts [Experimental Augury]. [05:45:26] totodilespy proliferates [Glistener Seer] and totodilespy. [05:45:27] Turn 5: totodilespy [05:45:30] totodilespy removes an oil counter from [Glistener Seer]. [05:45:30] totodilespy activates an ability of [Glistener Seer] ( Scry 1.). [05:45:32] totodilespy scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom). [05:45:34] totodilespy casts [Distorted Curiosity]. [05:45:34] totodilespy draws two cards with [Distorted Curiosity]. [05:45:36] totodilespy casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting totodilespy. [05:45:36] totodilespy draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe]. [05:45:38] totodilespy plays [Island]. [05:45:41] totodilespy has conceded from the game. Game 1 Completed.