PennyDreadful pd league BuggedCardObserver,LeagueObserver,PennyDreadfulLegality iwearshoes,Domotoro == Game 1 (829934508) == [Time] 1677040879 [League] Banefire-Post by domotoro (209306) vs Sultai Wits by iwearshoes (209303) [06:41:23] PDBot has started watching. [06:41:23] Domotoro joined the game. [06:41:23] iwearshoes joined the game. [06:41:26] iwearshoes chooses to play first. [06:41:30] iwearshoes begins the game with seven cards in hand. [06:41:36] Domotoro mulligans to six cards. [06:41:50] Domotoro puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand. [06:41:50] Turn 1: iwearshoes [06:41:51] iwearshoes skips their draw step. [06:42:01] iwearshoes plays [Contaminated Aquifer]. [06:42:05] iwearshoes casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Domotoro. [06:42:07] iwearshoes draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe]. [06:42:22] [CHAT] Domotoro: gl [06:42:26] Turn 1: Domotoro [06:42:36] Domotoro plays [Forest]. [06:42:45] Turn 2: iwearshoes [06:42:50] iwearshoes plays [Nephalia Drownyard]. [06:42:58] iwearshoes casts [Search for Azcanta]. [06:43:01] Turn 2: Domotoro [06:43:06] Domotoro plays [Buried Ruin]. [06:43:09] Domotoro casts [Monument to Perfection]. [06:43:16] Turn 3: iwearshoes [06:43:16] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...). [06:43:26] iwearshoes puts [Harmonize] into their graveyard. [06:43:37] iwearshoes plays [Vivid Marsh]. [06:43:37] iwearshoes puts two charge counters on [Vivid Marsh]. [06:43:46] Turn 3: Domotoro [06:43:54] Domotoro plays [Demolition Field]. [06:43:58] Domotoro activates an ability of [Monument to Perfection] ( Search your library for a basic, Sphere, or Locus land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, th...). [06:44:06] Domotoro reveals [Cloudpost]. [06:44:17] Turn 4: iwearshoes [06:44:17] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...). [06:44:24] iwearshoes puts [Swamp] into their graveyard. [06:44:28] iwearshoes plays [Demolition Field]. [06:44:42] iwearshoes removes a charge counter from [Vivid Marsh]. [06:44:46] iwearshoes exiles [Search for Tomorrow] with 2 time counters. [06:44:46] iwearshoes puts two time counters on [Search for Tomorrow]. [06:44:53] iwearshoes activates an ability of [Demolition Field] targeting [Buried Ruin] ( Destroy target nonbasic land an opponent controls. That land's controller may search their librar...). [06:45:19] Turn 4: Domotoro [06:45:36] Domotoro plays [Cloudpost]. [06:45:45] Domotoro activates an ability of [Monument to Perfection] ( Search your library for a basic, Sphere, or Locus land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, th...). [06:45:50] Domotoro reveals [Cloudpost]. [06:46:00] Turn 5: iwearshoes [06:46:02] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 2{G} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)). [06:46:03] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...). [06:46:12] iwearshoes puts 1 card on top of their library. [06:46:14] iwearshoes removes a time counter from [Search for Tomorrow]. [06:46:22] iwearshoes casts [Deep Analysis] targeting iwearshoes. [06:46:23] iwearshoes draws two cards with [Deep Analysis]. [06:46:25] Turn 5: Domotoro [06:46:30] Domotoro plays [Cloudpost]. [06:46:48] Domotoro casts [Hour of Promise]. [06:46:57] Domotoro puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.). [06:47:07] Turn 6: iwearshoes [06:47:10] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 2{G} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)). [06:47:11] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...). [06:47:16] iwearshoes puts [Island] into their graveyard. [06:47:20] iwearshoes removes a time counter from [Search for Tomorrow]. [06:47:20] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 2{G} (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, cast it without p...). [06:47:26] iwearshoes casts [Search for Tomorrow]. [06:47:38] iwearshoes plays [Mistvault Bridge]. [06:47:47] iwearshoes casts [Garruk Wildspeaker]. [06:47:48] iwearshoes puts three loyalty counters on [Garruk Wildspeaker]. [06:48:00] iwearshoes puts a loyalty counter on [Garruk Wildspeaker]. [06:48:00] iwearshoes activates an ability of [Garruk Wildspeaker] targeting [Mistvault Bridge], and [Forest] ( Untap two target lands.). [06:48:13] Turn 6: Domotoro [06:48:27] Domotoro plays [Glimmerpost]. [06:48:28] Domotoro puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.). [06:49:14] Domotoro casts [Banefire] targeting iwearshoes. (X is 18). Winner: Domotoro Game 1 Completed. [06:49:31] Domotoro has left the game. == Game 2 (829935198) == [Time] 1677041486 [06:51:27] PDBot has started watching. [06:51:31] iwearshoes begins the game with seven cards in hand. [06:51:35] Domotoro begins the game with seven cards in hand. [06:51:35] Turn 1: iwearshoes [06:51:36] iwearshoes skips their draw step. [06:51:40] iwearshoes casts [Gitaxian Probe] targeting Domotoro. [06:51:42] iwearshoes draws a card with [Gitaxian Probe]. [06:51:47] iwearshoes plays [Forest]. [06:51:49] iwearshoes casts [Abundant Harvest]. [06:51:53] iwearshoes chooses land for [Abundant Harvest]. [06:51:53] iwearshoes reveals 7 cards with [Abundant Harvest]: [Hero's Downfall], [Riftwing Cloudskate], [Joraga Treespeaker], [Black Sun's Zenith], [Sylvan Caryatid], [Crux of Fate], and [Swamp]. [06:51:53] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Joraga Treespeaker[sU] has an advantageous bug. Joraga Treespeaker's Level Up ability isn't stopped by phasing out [06:52:20] Turn 1: Domotoro [06:52:23] Domotoro plays [Cloudpost]. [06:52:37] Turn 2: iwearshoes [06:52:40] iwearshoes plays [Hinterland Harbor]. [06:52:45] iwearshoes casts [Ponder]. [06:53:05] iwearshoes chooses to not shuffle their library. [06:53:06] iwearshoes draws a card with [Ponder]. [06:53:14] Turn 2: Domotoro [06:53:18] Domotoro plays [Forest]. [06:53:22] Domotoro casts [Sylvan Scrying]. [06:53:27] Domotoro reveals [Cloudpost]. [06:53:36] Turn 3: iwearshoes [06:53:38] iwearshoes plays [Swamp]. [06:53:42] iwearshoes casts [Cultivate]. [06:53:42] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Cultivate[sU] has a graphical bug. This spell fails to display the destination zones of the chosen lands in the game log. [06:53:51] iwearshoes reveals [Island]. [06:53:51] iwearshoes reveals [Swamp]. [06:53:58] Turn 3: Domotoro [06:54:18] Domotoro plays [Cloudpost]. [06:54:23] Domotoro casts [Monument to Perfection]. [06:54:30] Turn 4: iwearshoes [06:54:38] iwearshoes casts [Cultivate]. [06:54:48] iwearshoes reveals [Island]. [06:54:48] iwearshoes reveals [Island]. [06:54:57] iwearshoes plays [Forest]. [06:55:01] Turn 4: Domotoro [06:55:23] Domotoro casts [Sylvan Scrying]. [06:55:28] Domotoro reveals [Cloudpost]. [06:55:30] Domotoro plays [Cloudpost]. [06:55:34] Domotoro casts [Lodestone Golem]. [06:55:43] Turn 5: iwearshoes [06:55:53] iwearshoes plays [Island]. [06:56:09] iwearshoes casts [Fact or Fiction]. [06:56:40] iwearshoes puts [Acidic Slime] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction]. [06:56:40] iwearshoes puts [Think Twice], [Island], [Search for Tomorrow], [Rampant Growth] into their graveyard. [06:56:49] Turn 5: Domotoro [06:57:18] Domotoro casts [Mindslaver]. [06:58:59] Domotoro activates an ability of [Mindslaver] targeting iwearshoes ( You control target player during that player's next turn.). [06:59:11] iwearshoes is being attacked by [Lodestone Golem] [06:59:18] Turn 6: iwearshoes [06:59:21] iwearshoes has conceded from the game. Winner: Domotoro Game 2 Completed. Match Winner: Domotoro: 2–0