PennyDreadful PD League BuggedCardObserver,LeagueObserver,PennyDreadfulLegality Karnonthebcob == Game 1 (825695886) == [Time] 1673566236 [01:30:36] PDBot has started watching. [01:30:40] Karnonthebcob begins the game with seven cards in hand. [01:30:40] Turn 1: Karnonthebcob [01:30:42] Karnonthebcob plays [Frontier Bivouac]. [01:30:42] Turn 2: Karnonthebcob [01:30:46] Karnonthebcob plays [Molten Tributary]. [01:30:48] Karnonthebcob casts [Opt]. [01:30:50] Karnonthebcob scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom). [01:30:50] Karnonthebcob draws a card with [Opt]. [01:30:50] Turn 3: Karnonthebcob [01:30:53] Karnonthebcob plays [Mountain]. [01:30:56] Karnonthebcob casts [Peek] targeting Karnonthebcob. [01:30:56] Karnonthebcob draws a card with [Peek]. [01:31:04] Karnonthebcob has conceded from the game. [01:31:04] Karnonthebcob has lost connection to the game. Game 1 Completed.