PennyDreadful pd league BuggedCardObserver,LeagueObserver,PennyDreadfulLegality Oddpac,Garcia_Edu == Game 1 (813399954) == [Time] 1663203995 [04:06:35] PDBot has started watching. [04:06:36] Garcia_Edu joined the game. [League] Izzet Tempo by garcia_edu (193578) vs Mono Black Midrange by oddpac (193036) [04:06:38] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match! [04:06:43] Oddpac chooses to play first. [04:06:48] Oddpac begins the game with seven cards in hand. [04:06:56] Garcia_Edu begins the game with seven cards in hand. [04:06:56] Turn 1: Oddpac [04:06:56] Oddpac skips their draw step. [04:06:57] Oddpac plays [Swamp]. [04:07:04] Turn 1: Garcia_Edu [04:07:07] Garcia_Edu plays [Temple of Epiphany]. [04:07:08] Garcia_Edu puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.). [04:07:11] Garcia_Edu puts 1 card on top of their library. [04:07:11] Garcia_Edu scrys 1. [04:07:13] Turn 2: Oddpac [04:07:17] Oddpac plays [Swamp]. [04:07:21] Oddpac casts [Dark Ritual]. [04:07:34] Oddpac casts [Hymn to Tourach] targeting Garcia_Edu. [04:07:35] Garcia_Edu discards [Temple of Epiphany]. [04:07:35] Garcia_Edu discards [Incinerate]. [04:07:38] Oddpac casts [Hymn to Tourach] targeting Garcia_Edu. [04:07:39] Garcia_Edu discards [Blistercoil Weird]. [04:07:39] Garcia_Edu discards [Delver of Secrets]. [04:08:20] Turn 2: Garcia_Edu [04:08:26] Turn 3: Oddpac [04:08:33] Oddpac casts [Hymn to Tourach] targeting Garcia_Edu. [04:08:35] Garcia_Edu discards [Clout of the Dominus]. [04:08:35] Garcia_Edu discards [Burst Lightning]. [04:08:42] Turn 3: Garcia_Edu [04:08:46] Garcia_Edu casts [Ponder]. [04:08:50] Garcia_Edu chooses to shuffle their library. [04:08:50] Garcia_Edu draws a card with [Ponder]. [04:08:53] Turn 4: Oddpac [04:08:55] Oddpac plays [Swamp]. [04:08:59] Oddpac casts [Sign in Blood] targeting Oddpac. [04:09:04] Oddpac draws two cards with [Sign in Blood]. [04:09:07] Turn 4: Garcia_Edu [04:09:11] Garcia_Edu casts [Blistercoil Weird]. [04:09:14] Turn 5: Oddpac [04:09:24] Oddpac casts [Gatekeeper of Malakir] (with kicker). [04:09:30] Oddpac puts triggered ability from [Gatekeeper of Malakir] onto the stack targeting Garcia_Edu (When Gatekeeper of Malakir enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, target player sacrifices a cr...). [04:09:33] Garcia_Edu has conceded from the game. Winner: Oddpac Game 1 Completed.