PennyDreadful PD league BuggedCardObserver,LeagueObserver,PennyDreadfulLegality pak1989,2for1for2 == Game 1 (793387294) == [Time] 1647699844 [16:24:05] PDBot has started watching. [16:24:05] pak1989 joined the game. [League] Big Red by 2for1for2 (173366) vs Blue Post by pak1989 (173356) [16:24:07] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match! [16:24:12] pak1989 chooses to play first. [16:24:18] [CHAT] 2for1for2: gl hf [16:24:22] pak1989 mulligans to six cards. [16:24:23] 2for1for2 begins the game with seven cards in hand. [16:24:27] pak1989 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand. [16:24:27] Turn 1: pak1989 [16:24:29] pak1989 skips their draw step. [16:24:31] pak1989 plays [Cloudpost]. [16:24:32] Turn 1: 2for1for2 [16:24:37] 2for1for2 plays [Forgotten Cave]. [16:24:38] Turn 2: pak1989 [16:24:41] pak1989 plays [Island]. [16:24:44] pak1989 casts [Prophetic Prism]. [16:24:44] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Prophetic Prism] onto the stack (When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.). [16:24:45] pak1989 draws a card with [Prophetic Prism]'s ability. [16:24:47] Turn 2: 2for1for2 [16:24:54] 2for1for2 plays [Mountain]. [16:24:57] Turn 3: pak1989 [16:24:59] pak1989 plays [Glimmerpost]. [16:24:59] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.). [16:25:08] 2for1for2 discards [Forgotten Cave]. [16:25:08] 2for1for2 cycles [Forgotten Cave]. [16:25:10] Turn 3: 2for1for2 [16:25:15] 2for1for2 plays [Mishra's Factory]. [16:25:18] 2for1for2 casts [Hanweir Garrison]. [16:25:47] pak1989 casts [Fact or Fiction]. [16:26:18] pak1989 puts [Nevinyrral's Disk], [Expedition Map] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction]. [16:26:18] pak1989 puts [Arch of Orazca], [Mindslaver], [Treasure Mage] into their graveyard. [16:26:20] Turn 4: pak1989 [16:26:28] pak1989 casts [Expedition Map]. [16:26:33] pak1989 activates an ability of [Expedition Map] ( Search your library for a land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.). [16:26:35] pak1989 reveals [Cloudpost]. [16:26:37] pak1989 plays [Cloudpost]. [16:26:39] Turn 4: 2for1for2 [16:26:44] 2for1for2 plays [Mountain]. [16:26:57] 2for1for2 casts [Seething Song]. [16:27:01] 2for1for2 casts [Seething Song]. [16:27:11] 2for1for2 casts [Hellrider]. [16:27:20] pak1989 is being attacked by [Hellrider] and [Hanweir Garrison] [16:27:24] [CHAT] pak1989: nice [16:27:39] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Hellrider] onto the stack (Whenever a creature you control attacks, Hellrider deals 1 damage to the player or planeswalker it...). [16:27:40] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Hellrider] onto the stack (Whenever a creature you control attacks, Hellrider deals 1 damage to the player or planeswalker it...). [16:27:40] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Hanweir Garrison] onto the stack (Whenever Hanweir Garrison attacks, create two 1/1 red Human creature tokens that are tapped and at...). [16:27:48] 2for1for2's [Hanweir Garrison] creates two Human Tokens. [16:27:48] 2for1for2 puts [Human Token] onto the battlefield attacking pak1989 [16:27:48] 2for1for2 puts [Human Token] onto the battlefield attacking pak1989 [16:28:03] [CHAT] 2for1for2: i could have had more power [16:28:06] [CHAT] 2for1for2: i totally punted [16:28:12] [CHAT] pak1989: shame [16:28:14] Turn 5: pak1989 [16:28:45] pak1989 casts [Prophetic Prism]. [16:28:45] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Prophetic Prism] onto the stack (When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.). [16:28:46] pak1989 draws a card with [Prophetic Prism]'s ability. [16:28:49] Turn 5: 2for1for2 [16:28:56] 2for1for2 activates an ability of [Mishra's Factory] ( Mishra's Factory becomes a 2/2 Assembly-Worker artifact creature until end of turn. It's still a ...). [16:29:06] pak1989 is being attacked by [Human Token], [Human Token], [Hellrider], [Hanweir Garrison] and [Mishra's Factory] [16:29:12] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Hanweir Garrison] onto the stack (Whenever Hanweir Garrison attacks, create two 1/1 red Human creature tokens that are tapped and at...). [16:29:12] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Hellrider] onto the stack (Whenever a creature you control attacks, Hellrider deals 1 damage to the player or planeswalker it...). [16:29:12] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Hellrider] onto the stack (Whenever a creature you control attacks, Hellrider deals 1 damage to the player or planeswalker it...). [16:29:12] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Hellrider] onto the stack (Whenever a creature you control attacks, Hellrider deals 1 damage to the player or planeswalker it...). [16:29:12] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Hellrider] onto the stack (Whenever a creature you control attacks, Hellrider deals 1 damage to the player or planeswalker it...). [16:29:12] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Hellrider] onto the stack (Whenever a creature you control attacks, Hellrider deals 1 damage to the player or planeswalker it...). [16:29:27] pak1989 casts [Aetherspouts]. [16:29:29] 2for1for2 has conceded from the game. Winner: pak1989 Game 1 Completed. == Game 2 (793387826) == [Time] 1647700259 [16:31:00] PDBot has started watching. [16:31:01] 2for1for2 begins the game with seven cards in hand. [16:31:03] pak1989 mulligans to six cards. [16:31:15] pak1989 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand. [16:31:15] Turn 1: 2for1for2 [16:31:17] 2for1for2 skips their draw step. [16:31:18] 2for1for2 plays [Forgotten Cave]. [16:31:20] Turn 1: pak1989 [16:31:22] pak1989 plays [Cloudpost]. [16:31:24] Turn 2: 2for1for2 [16:31:27] 2for1for2 plays [Mountain]. [16:31:29] Turn 2: pak1989 [16:31:34] pak1989 plays [Cloudpost]. [16:31:37] Turn 3: 2for1for2 [16:31:42] pak1989 exiles [Simian Spirit Guide] with [Simian Spirit Guide]'s ability. [16:31:44] 2for1for2 casts [Seething Song]. [16:31:49] 2for1for2 casts [Goblin Dark-Dwellers]. [16:31:49] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Goblin Dark-Dwellers] onto the stack targeting [Seething Song] (When Goblin Dark-Dwellers enters the battlefield, you may cast target instant or sorcery card with...). [16:31:57] 2for1for2 casts [Seething Song] from the graveyard. (X is 0). [16:32:19] 2for1for2 casts [Tectonic Giant]. [16:32:24] Turn 3: pak1989 [16:32:29] pak1989 plays [Island]. [16:32:50] Turn 4: 2for1for2 [16:33:02] pak1989 casts [Repeal] targeting [Tectonic Giant]. (X is 4). [16:33:05] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Tectonic Giant] onto the stack (Exile the top two cards of your library. Choose one of them. Until the end of your next turn, you ...). [16:33:10] 2for1for2 chooses Mountain with Tectonic Giant's ability. [16:33:15] pak1989 returns [Tectonic Giant] to its owner's hand with [Repeal]. [16:33:15] pak1989 draws a card with [Repeal]. [16:33:19] pak1989 is being attacked by [Goblin Dark-Dwellers] [16:33:24] 2for1for2 plays [Mountain]. [16:33:27] 2for1for2 casts [Seething Song]. [16:33:28] 2for1for2 casts [Goblin Dark-Dwellers]. [16:33:29] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Goblin Dark-Dwellers] onto the stack targeting [Seething Song] (When Goblin Dark-Dwellers enters the battlefield, you may cast target instant or sorcery card with...). [16:33:34] 2for1for2 casts [Seething Song] from the graveyard. (X is 0). [16:33:39] 2for1for2 casts [Tectonic Giant]. [16:33:43] Turn 4: pak1989 [16:34:20] pak1989 has conceded from the game. Winner: 2for1for2 Game 2 Completed. == Game 3 (793388132) == [Time] 1647700480 [16:34:40] PDBot has started watching. [16:34:45] pak1989 chooses to play first. [16:34:58] pak1989 mulligans to six cards. [16:34:59] 2for1for2 begins the game with seven cards in hand. [16:35:04] pak1989 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand. [16:35:04] Turn 1: pak1989 [16:35:06] pak1989 skips their draw step. [16:35:07] pak1989 plays [Cloudpost]. [16:35:08] Turn 1: 2for1for2 [16:35:17] 2for1for2 plays [Mishra's Factory]. [16:35:19] Turn 2: pak1989 [16:35:23] pak1989 plays [Cloudpost]. [16:35:25] pak1989 casts [Prophetic Prism]. [16:35:25] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Prophetic Prism] onto the stack (When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.). [16:35:26] pak1989 draws a card with [Prophetic Prism]'s ability. [16:35:29] Turn 2: 2for1for2 [16:35:36] 2for1for2 plays [Mountain]. [16:35:38] 2for1for2 exiles [Simian Spirit Guide] with [Simian Spirit Guide]'s ability. [16:35:41] 2for1for2 casts [Seething Song]. [16:35:42] 2for1for2 casts [Goblin Dark-Dwellers]. [16:35:42] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Goblin Dark-Dwellers] onto the stack targeting [Seething Song] (When Goblin Dark-Dwellers enters the battlefield, you may cast target instant or sorcery card with...). [16:35:46] 2for1for2 casts [Seething Song] from the graveyard. (X is 0). [16:35:49] 2for1for2 casts [Tectonic Giant]. [16:35:57] Turn 3: pak1989 [16:36:00] pak1989 plays [Island]. [16:36:03] Turn 3: 2for1for2 [16:36:10] pak1989 is being attacked by [Tectonic Giant] [16:36:12] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Tectonic Giant] onto the stack (Exile the top two cards of your library. Choose one of them. Until the end of your next turn, you ...). [16:36:29] 2for1for2 chooses Manabarbs with Tectonic Giant's ability. [16:36:44] 2for1for2 plays [Mountain]. [16:36:46] 2for1for2 casts [Hanweir Garrison]. [16:36:56] pak1989 casts [Condescend] targeting [Hanweir Garrison]. (X is 2). [16:37:09] pak1989 puts 1 card on the bottom of their library and 1 card on top of their library. [16:37:09] pak1989 scrys 2. [16:37:12] Turn 4: pak1989 [16:37:14] pak1989 plays [Glimmerpost]. [16:37:14] pak1989 puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.). [16:37:20] Turn 4: 2for1for2 [16:37:33] pak1989 is being attacked by [Tectonic Giant] and [Goblin Dark-Dwellers] [16:37:37] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Tectonic Giant] onto the stack (Tectonic Giant deals 3 damage to each opponent.). [16:37:53] 2for1for2 plays [Mountain]. [16:37:56] 2for1for2 casts [Manabarbs]. [16:38:00] pak1989 casts [Fact or Fiction]. [16:38:46] pak1989 puts [Kefnet the Mindful], [Buried Ruin] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction]. [16:38:46] pak1989 puts [Spatial Contortion], [Island], [Arch of Orazca] into their graveyard. [16:38:57] pak1989 casts [Supreme Will] targeting [Manabarbs] (Counter target spell unless its controller pays {3}.). [16:39:03] Turn 5: pak1989 [16:39:20] pak1989 casts [Kefnet the Mindful]. [16:39:32] pak1989 plays [Buried Ruin]. [16:39:35] Turn 5: 2for1for2 [16:39:45] pak1989 is being attacked by [Tectonic Giant] and [Goblin Dark-Dwellers] [16:39:48] 2for1for2 puts triggered ability from [Tectonic Giant] onto the stack (Tectonic Giant deals 3 damage to each opponent.). [16:40:08] pak1989 casts [Fact or Fiction]. [16:40:38] pak1989 puts [Memory Lapse], [Spell Burst], [Repeal] into their hand with [Fact or Fiction]. [16:40:38] pak1989 puts [Myr Battlesphere], [Aetherspouts] into their graveyard. [16:40:52] [CHAT] pak1989: ggs [16:40:56] [CHAT] 2for1for2: ggs [16:40:56] [CHAT] pak1989: punted too [16:41:01] [CHAT] 2for1for2: how [16:41:08] pak1989 has conceded from the game. Winner: 2for1for2 Game 3 Completed. Match Winner: 2for1for2: 2–1