PennyDreadful PD LEAGUE BuggedCardObserver,LeagueObserver,PennyDreadfulLegality BobtheBalder,lucariva13 == Game 1 (741081204) == [Time] 1604691925 [06:45:25] PDBot has started watching. [06:45:25] lucariva13 joined the game. [06:45:25] BobtheBalder joined the game. [League] Mono White by lucariva13 (109050) vs Big Red by bobthebalder (109048) [06:45:28] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match! [06:45:30] lucariva13 chooses to play first. [06:45:41] [CHAT] lucariva13: srry wrong deck [06:45:50] lucariva13 has conceded from the game. Winner: BobtheBalder Game 1 Completed. [06:45:54] lucariva13 has left the game.