PennyDreadful PD League BuggedCardObserver,LeagueObserver,PennyDreadfulLegality YourMajesty,rwhyan == Game 1 (598883738) == PDBot has started watching. [League] Stompy by rwhyan (12566) vs Dimir Control by yourmajesty (12586) [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match! [CHAT] rwhyan: Gl hf rwhyan chooses to play first. rwhyan keeps this hand. YourMajesty keeps this hand. Turn 1: rwhyan rwhyan skips their draw step. rwhyan plays [Forest]. rwhyan casts [Kessig Prowler]. Turn 1: YourMajesty YourMajesty plays [Dimir Guildgate]. Turn 2: rwhyan rwhyan plays [Forest]. YourMajesty is being attacked by [Kessig Prowler]. rwhyan casts [Garruk's Companion]. [CHAT] YourMajesty: you too. I'm new to PD. do you need to do anything in particular when you create the match to get the bot to watch? Turn 2: YourMajesty YourMajesty plays [Dimir Guildgate]. Turn 3: rwhyan [CHAT] rwhyan: Me too haha this is only my 2nd match ever. All i did was make the commend PD league and the bot came so I think thats it rwhyan plays [Forest]. [CHAT] YourMajesty: ok. thats what I thought YourMajesty is being attacked by [Garruk's Companion] and [Kessig Prowler]. rwhyan casts [Fyndhorn Elves]. YourMajesty discards [Hieroglyphic Illumination]. YourMajesty cycles [Hieroglyphic Illumination]. Turn 3: YourMajesty YourMajesty plays [Island]. Turn 4: rwhyan rwhyan plays [Forest]. YourMajesty is being attacked by [Fyndhorn Elves], [Garruk's Companion], and [Kessig Prowler]. YourMajesty casts [Unsubstantiate] targeting [Garruk's Companion]. YourMajesty returns [Garruk's Companion] to its owner's hand with [Unsubstantiate]. rwhyan casts [Elemental Bond]. Turn 4: YourMajesty YourMajesty plays [Dimir Guildgate]. Turn 5: rwhyan YourMajesty is being attacked by [Fyndhorn Elves] and [Kessig Prowler]. rwhyan casts [Garruk's Companion]. YourMajesty casts [Dissolve] targeting [Garruk's Companion]. YourMajesty put a card on top of YourMajesty's library. rwhyan casts [Druid of the Cowl]. Turn 5: YourMajesty YourMajesty plays [Bad River]. Turn 6: rwhyan rwhyan activates an ability of [Kessig Prowler] ( Transform Kessig Prowler.). YourMajesty is being attacked by [Druid of the Cowl] and [Sinuous Predator]. YourMajesty casts [Silence the Believers] targeting [Sinuous Predator]. Turn 6: YourMajesty YourMajesty plays [Swamp]. Turn 7: rwhyan YourMajesty is being attacked by [Druid of the Cowl] and [Fyndhorn Elves]. YourMajesty casts [Consume the Meek]. rwhyan casts [Old-Growth Dryads]. rwhyan puts triggered ability from [Elemental Bond] onto the stack (Whenever a creature with power 3 or greater enters the battlefield under your control, draw a card...). rwhyan puts triggered ability from [Old-Growth Dryads] onto the stack (When Old-Growth Dryads enters the battlefield, each opponent may search his or her library for a b...). rwhyan draws a card with [Elemental Bond]'s ability. rwhyan plays [Forest]. rwhyan casts [Reverent Hunter]. rwhyan puts triggered ability from [Reverent Hunter] onto the stack (When Reverent Hunter enters the battlefield, put a number of +1/+1 counters on it equal to your de...). YourMajesty activates an ability of [Bad River] ( Search your library for an Island or Swamp card and put it onto the battlefield. Then shuffle you...). Turn 7: YourMajesty YourMajesty discards [Hieroglyphic Illumination]. YourMajesty cycles [Hieroglyphic Illumination]. YourMajesty casts [Treasure Cruise]. YourMajesty draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise]. YourMajesty plays [Dimir Guildgate]. Turn 8: rwhyan YourMajesty is being attacked by [Reverent Hunter] and [Old-Growth Dryads]. YourMajesty casts [Consign] targeting [Reverent Hunter]. YourMajesty returns [Reverent Hunter] to its owner's hand with [Consign]. rwhyan casts [Leatherback Baloth]. YourMajesty casts [Dissolve] targeting [Leatherback Baloth]. YourMajesty put a card on the bottom of the library. Turn 8: YourMajesty Turn 9: rwhyan YourMajesty is being attacked by [Old-Growth Dryads]. YourMajesty casts [Unsubstantiate] targeting [Old-Growth Dryads]. YourMajesty returns [Old-Growth Dryads] to its owner's hand with [Unsubstantiate]. rwhyan casts [Old-Growth Dryads]. YourMajesty casts [Rewind] targeting [Old-Growth Dryads]. rwhyan casts [Masked Admirers]. YourMajesty casts [Overwhelming Denial] for its surge cost targeting [Masked Admirers]. Turn 9: YourMajesty YourMajesty casts [Treasure Cruise]. YourMajesty draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise]. YourMajesty discards [Lonely Sandbar]. YourMajesty cycles [Lonely Sandbar]. YourMajesty plays [Bad River]. Turn 10: rwhyan rwhyan plays [Forest]. Turn 10: YourMajesty YourMajesty activates an ability of [Bad River] ( Search your library for an Island or Swamp card and put it onto the battlefield. Then shuffle you...). YourMajesty plays [Island]. YourMajesty casts [Treasure Cruise]. YourMajesty draws three cards with [Treasure Cruise]. Turn 11: rwhyan rwhyan casts [Lambholt Pacifist]. rwhyan puts triggered ability from [Masked Admirers] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a creature spell, you may pay {GG}. If you do, return Masked Admirers from your ...). YourMajesty casts [Repeal] targeting [Elemental Bond]. (X is 3). YourMajesty returns [Elemental Bond] to its owner's hand with [Repeal]. YourMajesty draws a card with [Repeal]. [Masked Admirers] is returned to rwhyan's hand from the graveyard. Turn 11: YourMajesty YourMajesty plays [Bad River]. Turn 12: rwhyan rwhyan puts triggered ability from [Lambholt Pacifist] onto the stack (At the beginning of each upkeep, if no spells were cast last turn, transform Lambholt Pacifist.). YourMajesty casts [Smother] targeting [Lambholt Pacifist]. rwhyan casts [Elemental Bond]. rwhyan casts [Lambholt Pacifist]. rwhyan puts triggered ability from [Elemental Bond] onto the stack (Whenever a creature with power 3 or greater enters the battlefield under your control, draw a card...). rwhyan draws a card with [Elemental Bond]'s ability. YourMajesty casts [Ultimate Price] targeting [Lambholt Pacifist]. Turn 12: YourMajesty YourMajesty has conceded from the game. Winner: rwhyan Game 1 Completed. rwhyan has left the game. == Game 2 (598887804) == PDBot has started watching. YourMajesty chooses to play first. YourMajesty keeps this hand. rwhyan keeps this hand. Turn 1: YourMajesty YourMajesty skips their draw step. YourMajesty plays [Bad River]. Turn 1: rwhyan rwhyan plays [Forest]. rwhyan casts [Old-Growth Dryads]. rwhyan puts triggered ability from [Old-Growth Dryads] onto the stack (When Old-Growth Dryads enters the battlefield, each opponent may search his or her library for a b...). Turn 2: YourMajesty YourMajesty plays [Bad River]. [CHAT] rwhyan: gotta go, getting a call to work! well played rwhyan has conceded from the game. Winner: YourMajesty Game 2 Completed. rwhyan has left the game.