PennyDreadful penny dreadful BuggedCardObserver,LeagueObserver,PennyDreadfulLegality littlefield,mtghinson == Game 1 (565851054) == PDBot has started watching. littlefield joined the game. mtghinson joined the game. littlefield chooses to play first. littlefield keeps this hand. mtghinson keeps this hand. littlefield skips their draw step. littlefield plays [Forest]. littlefield casts [Elves of Deep Shadow]. Turn 1: mtghinson. mtghinson plays [Island]. Turn 2: littlefield. littlefield casts [Elves of Deep Shadow]. mtghinson is being attacked by [Elves of Deep Shadow]. Turn 2: mtghinson. mtghinson plays [Island]. mtghinson casts [River Sneak]. Turn 3: littlefield. littlefield plays [Forest]. littlefield casts [Gaea's Anthem]. mtghinson is being attacked by [Elves of Deep Shadow]. Turn 3: mtghinson. mtghinson plays [Island]. mtghinson casts [Merfolk Sovereign]. mtghinson puts triggered ability from [River Sneak] onto the stack (Whenever another Merfolk enters the battlefield under your control, River Sneak gets +1/+1 until e...). littlefield is being attacked by [River Sneak]. Turn 4: littlefield. littlefield casts [Garruk's Companion]. mtghinson is being attacked by [Elves of Deep Shadow] and [Elves of Deep Shadow]. Turn 4: mtghinson. mtghinson casts [Shaper Apprentice]. mtghinson puts triggered ability from [River Sneak] onto the stack (Whenever another Merfolk enters the battlefield under your control, River Sneak gets +1/+1 until e...).